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Brand-storytelling for brave small businesses

Through Brandcamp, I work with brave small businesses to develop content that tells their brand stories.

What that really means is, I listen to small business owners tell me about what they do, and I help them craft the way they put themselves out into the world - on their website, on instagram and facebook or other social media, and all communications with their customers. 



I support and guide my clients to be brave and make good changes that strengthen their brand. I seek to help the whole-hearted to recognise and live up to their values through the way they shape their brand and relate to their customers.

If you have a small business, you know it's important to keep your customers engaged and loyal. You want them to care enough about what you do to keep coming back, and to tell their friends how much they like you.


Brandcamp helps you to tell better stories. I work with you to help you:


  • make useful and engaging posts on social media

  • achieve a look and feel on your website that signals your values and engages customers

  • develop a brand voice that actually suits you

  • take good photos for goodness' sake

  • use smartphone apps like a marketing ninja

  • differentiate your business from the competition

  • tell stories that people want to share

  • feel like you can totally do this small business marketing thing


Brand-storytelling is marketing for people who hate the whole idea of marketing. 

'Marketing' sounds like something Big Corporates do - something they pay squillions for to advertise their products and services to the masses. At its most classic it can be pretty shouty and insistent and in your face. 


Brand-storytelling is a gentler, more personal thing. Its goal is to let people know how much care goes in to what you do, how doing what you do makes you and your customers feel. It's not all crazy discounts and shiny features - it's more about the deeper experience of what you are creating.





Marketing often gives us the screaming heebie-jeebies, but brand-storytelling makes us feel connection.


Good brand-storytelling feels like sitting around the campfire with friends - warm, relaxed and connected. 




Understanding brand-storytelling

This REMOgram is the best way I know to explain brand storytelling. 

What your small business sells or offers is the tip of the iceberg. The reasons people care about it are all about what's beneath the surface. 



Simon Sinek talks about 'knowing your why' - people don't buy what you do, they buy because they love you for why you do it. Remo puts it this way: we don't sell stuff, we sell stories - the thing the customer takes home is a souvenir of the story.


Working with Brandcamp, you can discover those stories and learn how to talk about your why.  

It's my mission to help my clients tell stories that make people feel excited and connected. Stories that create warm and engaged tribes. 


My skill is in finding and telling my clients’ stories with nuance, flair, honesty and charm.

Step 1 >

Brandcamp begins with a fixed price two-hour workshop, which establishes where you are and where you want to be.

It's easy and kind of fun, and ideally, there's coffee.

Step 2 >

Using the information I have from the workshop, I create a report for you. From there we work out what you need - whether it's a brand name and tagline, website design and content, social media content, fresh ideas, strategies and action plans.

Step 3

We crack on making what you need and skilling you up to make quality, affordable content yourself, so you can create a tribe of people who get what you do and love you for doing it. 

Some of the brands I've helped co-create through Brandcamp.  

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new Roughtrack cabins logo pale.png
Blue Mountains

Some people who inspire my Brandcamp work


Tell me about your small business and how I can help


I acknowledge the Gundungurra and the Darug people, the Traditional Owners of the land where I live and work. I recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. I pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. 

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I accept the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and support a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Australian Constitution.

© 2023 by BRANDCAMP

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