I'm a writer,
a brand-storyteller, and an imperfect creative
01_don't fence me in

02_stories matter
Things I believe
Stories are really important.
Stories are how human beings better understand all the complicated stuff that goes on in the world, and in our heads and hearts.
Stories are the way we connect with each other and reveal our truest selves. They can shift us from whatever to empathy better than any other tool we've ever made.
It's through stories that we inspire and encourage and challenge and grow.
How we tell our own stories shapes and defines us. And the best stories well told can change the world.
We are all born creative, yet many people have lost touch with that part of themselves that allows them to play and feel and express themselves. I want to help people recover their creativity and have a richer life.
Being brave is hard, but it's a whole lot better than letting your fears run the show. You don't grow by playing it safe and doing what's expected. Your life expands when you dare to venture past your comfort zone.
It took me a long time to learn this. In a way, this is my biggest thing. Pluck and spunk.

03_field work

Brand-storytelling for brave small businesses
Through Brandcamp,
I work with brave small businesses to develop content that tells their brand stories - on their websites, social media posts, mailouts and wotnot.
Basically, I help small businesses to be the best they can be and to market themselves with integrity and appeal.
It's my mission to help my clients tell stories that make people feel excited and connected. Stories that create warm and engaged tribes.
My skill is in finding and telling my clients’ stories with nuance, flair, honesty and charm.
Some of my clients include ClothFabric,
Blue Mountains artist Julie Paterson, natural wine label Frankly, this wine was made by Bob, The Big Picture Collective, and of course, my own business,
Rough Track Cabins.

Projects I'm doing

The marvellous Maggie Davis of Breaking Bread fame produced and directed Eating Pomegranates in 2019 - a theatrical exploration that takes you to Hades, the cancer ward, a rowdy girls' night out and the dreamscapes of Frida Kahlo. I wrote a slab of it, and it was performed at Wentworth Falls School of Arts March 28-31.

Imaginary Albums is a whimsical creative project that teamed writers and graphic artists in the the Blue Mountains. Together we created ten LP albums that don't exist but really should. Original imagined sleeve notes and cover art were shown at Platform Gallery in Katoomba the Blue Mountains. I'm keen to do it all again in the near future.

Inspired by The School of Life, DIY Festival is a project that seeks to nurture creativity and community through staging small intimate backyard festivals. At a DIY Festival everyone makes a contribution in an atmosphere that's generous and supportive. The first ever one was held in our yard in Blackheath, and it was great. More to come.

small stories
I write stories that are very short indeed on my flash fiction blog called Small Stories. Think of them as character sketches, brief moments of illumination, like literary instagrams. It was a thrill and a privilege to be a part of the Whispering Trees project at Varuna The Writers House and Sydney Writers Festival 2015.

Splayd and Crayon is a not-at-all nobby food blog. My partner, artist Julie Paterson, illustrates my foodie ramblings, which range from what we make for the dog to what's on the menu at NOMA.
I like cooking. She likes drawing. We both like eating. That's how it works.

Blackheath Howlers is a group of moon lovers who gather for a (mostly) quiet drink at Govett's Leap to watch the full moon rise over the Grose Valley.
We've been quaffing at the Leap on the full moon since 2014.
Everyone is welcome.

What else?

I write for TEDxSydney, which is led by the inspiring Remo Giuffré. TED talks are some of the most useful and beautiful and challenging resources we have, and by writing for TEDxSydney I hope these talks reach ever wider audiences.

I acknowledge the Gundungurra and the Darug people, the Traditional Owners of the land where I live and work. I recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. I pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
I accept the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and support a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Australian Constitution.